Private Tutoring
To Reach Maximum English Potential

Online personalized tutoring for all age groups and levels in.

Karam Gameel,
Academic Tutor

Welcome to Learn Easy English, where the language of Shakespeare meets the humor of Monty Python!

My mission is to make learning English as easy as sipping tea with your pinky finger up. I believe that language learning should be fun, not a chore. That’s why we’ve created a website that’s both informative and entertaining, like a cross between a dictionary and a stand-up comedy show.


So, come on in, grab a cup of tea (or coffee, if you prefer), and let’s explore the wacky and wonderful world of English together!

How I Can Help?

Well, you could start by helping us find the missing vowels in some of our words.

They keep disappearing without a trace, leaving us with words that look like they were typed by a cat walking across the keyboard. Or, you could help us come up with new and ridiculous tongue twisters to twist our students’ tongues into knots.

Or, if you’re feeling adventurous, you could volunteer to be our official pun tester and help us determine which puns are painfully bad and which ones are pun-derful.

Whatever your skills or interests, we welcome your help in making English learning a delightful and humorous experience for all!


Grammar Guru

Are you the type of person who gets a thrill from correcting other people's grammar? Then this is the field for you! As a Grammar Guru, you'll help your friends navigate the treacherous waters of English grammar, from identifying dangling participles to knowing when to use "who" versus "whom". Just remember to use your powers for good, not evil.

Slang Sleuth

Do you know your "lit" from your "fire"? Your "yeet" from your "no cap"? As a Slang Sleuth, you'll help your friends decipher the latest slang terms and phrases that are all the rage with the kids these days. Who knows, you might even pick up a few new phrases to add to your own vocabulary.

Accent Ambassador

Do you have a knack for imitating different accents and dialects? Then put your skills to good use as an Accent Ambassador! You can help your friends learn the nuances of different accents, from the posh British accent to the Southern drawl. Just be sure to practice your own accents beforehand, so you don't accidentally slip into a terrible Cockney accent during your lesson.

Pronunciation Pro

English pronunciation can be tricky, with words that are spelled one way but pronounced another. But fear not, as a Pronunciation Pro, you'll help your friends master the art of English pronunciation, from the elusive "th" sound to the proper intonation of a sentence. Just be prepared for your friends to ask you to repeat "unique New York" over and over again.

Best Learning Experience

Proven Methodology

We don't just wing it when it comes to teaching English - we have a Proven Methodology that has helped countless students achieve English proficiency. Our method is based on years of research and combines traditional language learning techniques with fun and interactive activities. Think of it as a secret sauce for English learning success.

Educational Expert

We don't just hire any old Joe Schmoe to teach our English lessons - we only hire the best and brightest Educational Experts. Our teachers have years of experience and are experts in the field of English language instruction. Plus, they can recite every line from Shakespeare's Hamlet backwards.

Flexible & Convenient

Life can be hectic, but learning English doesn't have to be. With our flexible and convenient scheduling options, you can fit English lessons into your busy schedule. Want to learn English in your pajamas at 2am? No problem! We won't judge (we might even join you).

Affordable Rates

We won't charge you an arm and a leg for our English lessons - just a few fingers and toes! But in all seriousness, we believe that learning English shouldn't break the bank. That's why we offer affordable rates that won't leave you penniless.

Ready To Achieve
Your Goals?

Get in touch today for a free consultation and let’s discuss your road to academic success